The Natural Approach

I had a reply today from someone who also has psoriasis on one of my blog entries. This is exciting as when people comment back to me and tell me about their experiences it really encourages me too keep putting this blog up!! 

He said that nearly two years ago he stopped using steroid creams and went for natural remedies for psoriasis and through doing this he has seen great improvement and may even be clear from psoriasis by Christmas. 
His wonderful advice was to take: 
3x Cod Liver Oil Capsules and
3x Evening Primrose Capsules a day.

Take one of each with meals and drink plenty of water. He also advises to use aqueous cream on the affected areas. Even though he said it took about a month to see the first sign of improvements, it was well worth it as doing it this way has changed his life! 

If this helps internally, even though it may be a life-long commitment to make, it is surely worth ago! I know that I will be stocking up on these and seeing if it makes any difference to my skin.

Let me know what you think :D 

P.S. Would like to just say a quick thank you to the man who inspired this entry and I genuinely hope that your psoriasis is gone by Christmas and you can start the new year with new skin!! 

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