Oats...it’s simple

I’m not a massive bath person but recently I’ve been trying to bath more than I shower so that I can put oats into the bath. Oats are brilliant for your skin and since I have been doing it my skin has actually felt softer and my psoriasis seems to lack in the ‘flakes’ that form on top of the patches.

I never used to want to have baths as I was told that it is not good for your psoriasis and that it was best to have luke warm showers that dont last long. 

It is really simple: get a pair of tights, put oats into one of the legs, tie it up, cut it away from the rest of the tights and let it soak into the bath water, giving it a squeeze every now and then to let the juices out.

It genuinely takes less than 30 seconds to prepare and is worth it if you are a bath person!! If you are like me and prefer showers, after you see the effect it has on your skin, you will probably want to bath more as well!

I'm not saying that putting oats into the bath is the cure for psoriasis, but it is one of those things to do to just help it along which most people do on a daily basis anyways!! Make sure you moisturise afterwards.

Also, don't spend ages in there or have the bath water too hot as that really is not good for you psoriasis with or without the oats. 

For more information this is one of many sites out there which praises oat baths:


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