“Psychological Aspects of Psoriasis”

psychological aspects of psoriasis, psoriasis psychology
On my hunting for information on psoriasis I came across a site called "Papaa" which stands for The Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Alliance. 

So I had a little nosey around and found that they had some leaflets which you are able to download. The main one that caught my eye was the psychological aspects one. I know from having the condition that it can make you depressed and self conscious but seeing it written down really puts into focus how much of a negative affect it has. 

I can't say that the information in the leaflet is wrong, but i wanted it to be as seeing in black and white really brings home the way that myself and others may all be feeling. It just encourages me to keep up with this site and reach others to try and help! 

If you want to give it, and other leaflets, a read then the link is...

It has some helpful relaxation techniques that might help in situations where you feel rather over-whelmed by having psoriasis. 

Let me know what you think...

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