A documentary called “Skin Deep”

I have never really been one of those people who enjoys
their photo being taken (unless it is by myself so if it looks hideous it can
easily be deleted and unseen by anyone), let alone being videoed talking openly
about something which I don’t even like to think about. BUT I started this blog
for a reason and to have other people contact me to help them raise awareness
of psoriasis is not something which I can turn a blind eye to.
Hayley Arnold is a final year university student and has
taken it upon herself to create a documentary dedicated to psoriasis as she
comes from a family who knows and understands the detrimental effect that it
can have. I think that this is a really honourable thing to do and
could never imagine saying no to a project as special as this.
If anyone would like to contact Hayley and help her then the
link is as follows http://hayleylouisearnold.wix.com/skindeep1
and gives a more detailed explanation of the psoriasis documentary.
One voice is better than none, right? So be that voice that helps and get in contact.