Epaderm Ointment; Product Review

Hey Psquad,

It's cold in England at the moment (shock😂), even my family members with "normal" skin are finding that theirs is dry. I've stuck to the same products recently, and am in need of a switch up...

The beautiful people at HelloSkin contacted me, and asked if I would test some psoriasis products for them. I chose the Epaderm Ointment as I have previously used the Epaderm Cream; with great results! 

I personally feel that ointments are better than moisturisers when it comes to treating my psoriasis. Normally, if my skin is tolerable, I don't use them as much because of their greasy-ness. When my skin flares up badly, I will use an ointment...always. I was drawn to this ointment because of the different ways you can use it...which i have put below...

So where is my Psoriasis bad right now?! Well I used this awesome form that I found on twitter, from Psoriasis Awareness, to show you guys where I am suffering at the moment and where I will be using the ointment:

I just downloaded the form and snipped the people out. The bits coloured in pink are where I am currently facing the worst of my pso. I find that these areas are basically where I have it all the time, with a few random patches sneaking up here and there.

Product Info:
The latest product that I have been using is called Epaderm Ointment

It can be used in three different ways;
1) To apply to the skin as needed
2) Skin cleanser
3) Added to a bath

HelloSkin perfectly summarise this product;
Epaderm 3-in-1 Ointment can be used as an emollient directly on the skin, as a skin cleanser, and as a bath additive. Epaderm Ointment contains only 3 ingredients and is effective in the management of dry skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

The 3-in-1 formula in Epaderm Ointment helps to aid moisture retention in the skin and reduces itchy skin. Epaderm Ointment contains only 3 ingredients and is free from fragrances, colourings and Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) for reduced risk of skin sensitisation.

Ointments are the most effective form of emollient. Yet, some people don’t find them cosmetically acceptable due to their greasy feel. If you suffer from very dry skin and cracked skin then ointments are the right choice. Epaderm Ointment is highly effective when used at night for long-term moisturisation. It can be used by people in all ages including babies.

My Routine:
I tend to go wild with applying lotions and potions at night. I find that night is the best time to utilise when it comes to my psoriasis. I can apply as much as needed and let the products do their thing....then, wake up in the morning feeling happier that my skin feels better.

I don't particularly like using ointments on my face in the morning because they're too greasy for me to apply my make-up. However, as this product can be used as a skin cleanser, I have been applying it every morning as well when I wash my face.  It is absolutely brilliant to be able to find a product that can be used like that. Apply it as a cleanser and then moisturise.... double the treatment!!

I have been using a moisturiser alongside this product in the morning; cleanse, moisturise, make-up. Any moisturiser that you like to use will do - I personally am using one that is fast drying and non greasy.

When it comes to the rest of my body...I am not bothered about the greasy-ness of the product on my skin if I am applying it a night. I will just put my jammies (pj's) on over the top. If I am applying it in the morning I will apply it specifically where needed and then get dressed. I don't want the ointment to stick to my clothes or make them appear greasy throughout they day.

I tend to think, when it comes to ointments, because they leave a 'greasy layer' that they're protecting the skin from the cold weather as well. I have absolutely no scientific proof to back that up, I just like to tell myself that... ☺

At the moment my hands and feet are also extremely dry, I am using the ointment at night on my feet and sleeping in socks (just to save the transfer onto my sheets). In the morning my feet feel smoother, and are much less dry/cracked!!

Depending on which size you get: £5.69 - £16.20

9/10; It is pretty much odourless, no strong medicinal smell is always a bonus (to me personally). Does have a slight twang...

8/10; When applying to the skin in large areas it is hard to spread and you have to be quite hard on the skin to do so. When mixed with a little water, it breaks up a little and works into the skin much easier. Greasy like an ointment is - but whatdoyouexpect

10/10; I got the small tub so I can carry it around in my bag. If you got the 1kg tub, then that may not be possible. I like to take my products to work with me (or just wherever I am going) and apply when/if I want too.

I would probably buy the 1kg in future and just use the smaller tub for carrying some about in....or just any old tub I have lying around!!

Time Consumption:
8/10; It is quite solid when it is in the tub so you have to scrape it out.

Easy to use as a cleanser...dilutes easily with water, and doesn't take ages to wash off...even though it is greasy.

Applying to the skin in a all-over-moisturiser fashion is a little more difficult UNLESS it is diluted with water. It does take a while to apply to all the skin so I focus on the pso areas first/mainly, and if I want to - apply it to the rest of my skin thereafter.

You can literally notice the difference it makes after the first couple of days;
Using as a cleanser; my face feels smoother,
Patches aren't flaky,
Patches aren't red,
Skin feel smoother to the touch,
Longlasting effects,
Good for all body use,
Applying to skin; too greasy for my face (but it's an ointment; so whatdoyouexpect),
Used another moisturiser alongside it (fast drying and non-greasy),
Can be used in three ways,
Does take a little while to wash-off,
Would buy again/keep in my lotions and potions collection

I was extremely happy with the results of this product. Ointments tend to be less preferred, but from my experience, they really do have great results.

Psquad community: 
I asked the world (I say world - I mean the people that follow me on social media) what they thought of ointments and the Epaderm Ointment (if they had tried it)....

"I have this it works well for me, smell could be less medicinal but I like it"

"I have never heard of it. I don't mind ointments too much, but I hate how they take so long to be absorbed and they get everywhere"

"She [her daughter] has been prescribed this to be used as an emollient before putting on her steroid cream to try and ease the harshness on surrounding skin. She is only 6 but she likes it and has told me it stops her "scabies" itching"

A gift for you: 🎁
HelloSkin have been kind enough to offer my readers a 10% discount if they choose to give this product a go...who doesn't love a discount! 

If you want to give the product a go, then you can purchase it here using the discount code HELLOKARA. (As far as I am aware you can only use the code once.)

They have a beautiful website to help people find products that best suit them; to treat their skin condition. Their website it pretty ingenious as it takes you through questions before displaying the products, so that what you're looking at will help you the best. You can follow them on Twitter and Instagram.

As always, I love to know what people think, so get in touch and leave a comment with your views on ointments and/or the product in general.

Love and kisses,

**HelloSkin gifted me this product, for the purpose of a rewiew. My post are, and always will be, my personal opinion on products that I have tested; regardless of them being gifted or self-purchased. My blog is to honestly review products for the treatment of (my) psoriasis; my passion**

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