Turmeric Tea; first attempt!

After reading about how good turmeric is for you – I decided to give marking a tea a go. I looked up some recipes on line and made my own up from what I had read. A lot of the recipes included ginger and I really don’t like ginger – they included some other ingredients that I also don’t like. So; below is my concoction of turmeric tea… Ingredients: 2 teaspoons of turmeric 1teaspoon cinnamon Pinch of salt Peppercorns 1 lemon Agave (instead of honey – but honey would work) Method: Started off filling up two mugs with water (to know the right amount) and put it into a saucepan – brought the water to a boil Added in the turmeric, cinnamon, peppercorns and salt Stirred it all in and let it boil (for 10-15mins) Put the juice from 1 lemon into a mixing jug and added in 1 tablespoon of agave Once the tea had boiled for the 10-15mins I added it into the mixing jug and gave it a good stir. Put the tea into a mug and tried my fi...