INGREDIENTS (serves 4)

Olive oil
White wine vinegar
Dried red chilli flakes
Skinless chicken breasts (x4)
150g broad beans
150g sweetcorn
100g green beans
40g venus rice
20g feta cheese
Fresh mint

For my first attempt at a psoriasis-friendly meal, I have used a meal idea from Jamie Oliver’s “EVERYDAY SUPERFOOD” cookbook. I personally think this book is great, it’s full of healthy meals and all of his recipes give you the calorie content and macro-nutrient breakdowns, plus there’s loads of really great nutritional information at the back.

 So, whilst I am easing myself into cooking (I am actually a terrible chef!) I have used one of his recipes as a guideline. The original recipe used asparagus and peas, however after starting to cook I realised that we had run out of both – it was the day before the weekly food shop – so had to improvise a bit! There was also a mint sauce using fresh mint which I will come to below!
So the first thing I did was start boiling the venus rice in a pan, as this takes about 35-45 mins to cook. This is optional and was not in the original recipe but I added this to fill it out a bit and include a little bit of good starch.  BEWARE! – venus rice does make a nice purple mess!


Meanwhile, I put 1 tablespoon of olive oil and the vinegar into a bowl with a pinch of chilli flakes (this was actually in the book!) and smothered the chicken breasts one by one before putting them into a frying pan ready to cook. When the venus rice only needs about 10 or 15 more minutes, put the pan on a medium-heat and cook for about 8-10 mins. Our chicken breasts were quite chunky, so they took a bit longer to cook so just make sure they are cooked through!
I put the green beans in a medium pan on a high heat for about 6 mins and the sweetcorn and broad beans in another medium sized pan for about 4-5 mins. The kale went in a large pan on a high heat for about 3-4 mins.
Somehow the timing actually went OK and when the veg and rice was done, I mixed them altogether and served with the chicken on top. And to finish, I crumbled the feta cheese over the top.
The original recipe also included a mint sauce using fresh mint, the green veg, a bit of vinegar and olive oil with a pinch of sea salt. I attempted this with dried mint and a bit too much olive oil and served in a separate bowl (just in case!) and it wasn’t too awful!

Let me know what you guys think..or how you would improve this meal idea! 

L x

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