Psoriasis and Turmeric

A small note prior to this post; I have created an Instagram account to post products that I am trying and food that my sister and I are creating to help with my psoriasis, if you would like to follow me @lwpsoriasis is where you'll find me :)

So recently I have been told by a few people that turmeric is great for your skin and especially for skin conditions. I wasn’t sure what to think at the start as turmeric isn’t something that I would have thought could help improve my pso. So, I have looked into a few of the benefits of turmeric and skin and wanted to share this with you…

The benefits:
I took a look at a few websites to get a feel for what was great about turmeric. After reading around a little bit I noticed that most places were saying the same benefits:

·        Nourishing to skin
·        Anti-inflammatory
·        Reduce pigmentation
·        Reduce blemishes
·        Give skin a natural glow
·        Anti-ageing properties
·        Improve dry skin

It looks as though “curcumin”, which is found in turmeric, is the substance that helps with the above benefits. From reading more it sounds as though this substance can help more than psoriasis – there are references to it helping with cancer, Alzheimer’s, stomach ulcers, high cholesterol, viral infections and diabetes[1]. Sounds pretty great so far…

From the inside…
Due to the fact that it also says digesting turmeric is great for tackling psoriasis from the inside I am going to look into different ways of doing this in everyday meals. Psoriasis, whilst externally visible, has been said to stem from our gut and its ability to digest foods – if turmeric is meant to help with the reduction of psoriasis on the outside then adding it to food and trying to incorporate it into a diet must help!!

It seems that turmeric has a rather low absorption rate so there are ways to help increase this problem. Healthy and Natural World explains how to help get turmeric into the body via black pepper, mixing with fats and mixing with quercetin (a plant pigment). So, turmeric and black pepper on toast anyone? No, that doesn’t sound too appealing…SO – if you go to the link above they list some smoothies to try that can help get more turmeric into your body. I will be trying out some of these smoothies soon…

Curcumin tablets:
Another way to get curcumin (turmeric extract) into your system is by taking tablets. I looked around and they are pretty easy to get a hold of; Holland and Barrett’s does them, and there are multiple sellers on Amazon where you can get them from.

Let’s get started…
Turmeric is not something that I would have thought could help with psoriasis but after reading around about it I am keen to find some products and start testing them out. I am not even sure if there are turmeric based moisturisers or ointments but I am going to have a look about and see what products are best rated. My psoriasis is really bad on my face and scalp at the moment so I am going to look for products to help ease those areas and see if there are any amazing results.

Whilst tackling pso from the outside I am starting to focus more on what I put into my system. Sticking to foods that are best for pso and ensuring that I avoid foods that will increase a flare-up can only mean positive results.

If anyone knows of any turmeric products then mention them in the comments below and I have a look!!

If you want to take a look at a few of the websites that I found useful, then check-out the ones below…

[1] To read more: WebMD

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