Psoriasis Polls

This page is for the results from all the polls that you vote on. There are all different questions related to having a skin condition that I wanted to ask and see what others experiences were.  

I think that it is great to see how others coping with psoriasis, or any other skin condition, have similar experiences or feelings as us. We are not alone - there are others out there who are dealing with the same stuff we are and feel the same way we do. Seeing this makes me feel like there are others out there who understand me and what I am going through. 

*If you have an idea for a poll; let me know in the comments below*

Has anyone ever asked you if you psoriasis was contagious?
I posted this one a while back and lost the original data somehow - it is only of 31 votes but it is clear to see that there is a huge misconception that comes with psoriasis and others thinking that they can "catch" it from us. This stigma often associated with skin conditions is sadly due to the lack of knowledge around the subject. I am happy to see that 19% of the voters have never been asked if it is contagious; maybe with time and the more influx of information out there...this number will continue to grow and the others will shrink :) 

What treatments have you tried? (vote as many as relevant to you)

This poll was to see what other people have tried in order to reduce the appearance of their psoriasis. You could select as many options as you wanted and it worked out the total percentage based on the 51 voters. 

It was pretty interesting to see that what i voted, was also voted the most frequently as well. I was also interested to see that the sunbeds scored a higher percentage then UVB treatment. I personally don't like either of these options to help with psoriasis; I am too afraid of the negative side affects that come with this method of treatment. 

I am interested to know what the "other" treatments are! 

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