Guest Post - Sausage Tree Products

Hi my name is Marcie, I suffered from psoriasis for about 10 years starting at the age of 16 and on into my mid-twenties. It was painful and itchy but worse than that; it caused me social anxiety and unhappiness. Psoriasis was preventing me from living the life I wanted to live. It’s something you have to be tough to deal with or you become tough. I spent a lot of those years learning about psoriasis; its causes and treatments and also how your diet, lifestyle and exercise can help. By 2008 my psoriasis was in remission and I was back to living the life I wanted to live. Instrumental in my recovery was of course diet (paleo, probiotics), getting regular exercise, good sleep and trial and error with topical treatments. One topical treatment in particular that helped me was Sausage Tree Cream . Its key ingredient comes from a special plant called the Sausage Tree which is indigenous to Southern Africa. I learned about the plant du...