Think Twice Campaign

I received an email about a new website that had been created related to Psoriasis.
Within that email was the information provided below. It summarises what the concept is behind the website and what their aims are. I have also looked into the site and will talk about it below the quoted text below.
(It says in it “the website will launch tomorrow” – it has already launched)
For the 1.8 million people known to have psoriasis in the UK lack of regular review highlighted by a recent survey could mean that serious comorbidities such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer are missed.

New survey data show that:

• 1/3 of psoriasis patients haven't had treatment reviewed in at least five years
• 1/2 of psoriasis patients are on a repeat prescription
• Almost 60% of psoriasis patients on a repeat prescription felt at a disadvantage  

Lack of regular review highlighted by survey could mean that serious comorbidities such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer are missed 
• Psoriasis is a common condition affecting 1.8 million people in the UK
• More than just dry skin, psoriasis is a chronic immune disease that affects patients over a number of years, sometimes from childhood
• Psoriasis is associated with an increased chance of developing other serious conditions such as psoriatic arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and some cancers
• The condition can also have a significant physical, psychological and social impact on sufferers, and can limit their work opportunities and income
• The significant burden has just been recognised by a recent World Health Organization resolution on psoriasis which aims to combat the stigma, improve disease information and patient access to care.

The Psoriasis: Think Twice campaign was created to address the significant patient need and is supported by a Working Group of experts in the field of psoriasis care. 

• Psoriasis: Think Twice equips patients with the tools and information they need to talk to their doctor about the physical and psychological impact of their condition
• The Psoriasis: Think Twice website launches tomorrow and will help patients take ownership of their care

British Skin Foundation has commented:

"Skin disease can have a huge impact on all aspects of a person’s life, including self-confidence, career and personal relationships. One way to try and combat this is to ensure that patients have the best information and resources available to them to optimally manage their condition. Ensuring easily accessible advice and guidance is vital to prevent patients from becoming stuck on treatment cycles of repeat prescriptions where there may be a more effective alternative. This is why we support the Psoriasis: Think Twice campaign."

From me:
When you click on the link it takes you to a very colourful home page with the following tabs “Think twice”, “7 tips”, “Jessica”,  “Exposed: Film”, “Dear Dr.”, Working Group”, “More Info” and “Quotes”.

Think Twice:
Quotes at the beginning that around 1/3 of people with pso, haven’t had it checked by a GP in roughly 5 years or so. It also gives the study in which that information has been collected at the bottom of the page; “Opinion Matters Survey, Patients with Psoriasis Receiving a Repeat Prescription, LEO Pharma data on file, May 2014”. So if you want to check that out for more information, then do!

You can also do a cute little bottle count of how many treatments you currently have or use.

7 Tips:
So this gives you helpful information when you are going to see your GP. To find out more information; click on the “download” button and it just comes up in a handy PDF that you can print.

This is a section dedicated to a story about Jessica, a fellow psoriasis sufferer. She explains her troubles with psoriasis and how it affected her life and education. It is wonderful to see someone share a story with others in hopes that they will realized they are not the only ones who find battling psoriasis such a physical and emotional struggle. She is sharing her story with everyone in hope that others will not have to suffer the way she did. Thanks to you, Jessica.

This part is truly wonderful. It is a film about a woman who documents her struggles with Psoriasis.

Dear Dr.:
This sections overs common questions that GP’s are asked and gives answers to them.

Working Group:
This is a list of people behind the campaign and lists their professions.

More Information:
This section shows you other places that are available for people with psoriasis to go. Very helpful to have and I suggest that you check them out if you haven't heard of them before as they are all different in their own way. 

I like this section; it shows what other people have to say about living with psoriasis. I am a fan of reading other people’s opinions and feelings so it is a nice touch to have on their website.

You should check it out for yourself! J

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