Salcura Skincare - Product Review

Okay, so to get the ball rolling I thought I would have a look around and see what is out there at the moment and what brands are being discussed about via the internet on other psoriasis sites. I found that Salcura Skin Care are being talked about in a few places, so I thought I’d give their site a look over and saw that they were doing a “free trial” on some of their products. So hey, seeing as I'm not exactly bursting at the seams with cash, I thought I’d pay the £2 p&p and give their products ago. Info: Website: (prices are on the website – there are different prices for different ml) The Review: Okay, so in the free trial there was a few moisturising packets and two of their sprays; - DermaSpray Natural Skin Nourishment: Intensive - DermaSpray Natural Skin Nourishment: Gentle - ...