Best Psoriasis Blogs of 2014

I received a spot on Healthline’s list of the Best Psoriasis Blogs of 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This makes me so happy.

The list is brilliantly compromised and created with great care. I admire a lot of the other bloggers on the list and would like to share that with you today.

AND I want to share with you the badge that I received due to this great honour.

The list of bloggers:

Just a Girl With Spots:

Being Me In My Own Skin:

Serious About Psoriasis:

Read them!
All of us come from different walks of life and have all had our own unique experiences with psoriasis. What we write about is different and how we express ourselves is different. However, we will always have one common goal and that is to make people suffering with psoriasis feel at ease and to try and help them power through. You should give them all a read as they are all wonderful in their own way.

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