Psoriasis and the Psun
I have read a comment from someone asking about psoriasis and the weather. So, I have looked into it and with my own experience this is what I know and believe…. My summary: Winter = bad Dry climate = bad Intense winds = bad Sun exposure (within common sense of about 30mins max a day and of course with sun block on) = good Moist climate = good To my knowledge those are the some of the main factors which can affect psoriasis suffers. My personal opinion: I was born and grew up in England where it is pretty much cold all the time. Except for this freak year of course where it has been abnormally hot. My psoriasis was the worst when I was in my home country. The artic winds and cold dry temperatures really made my skin worse. I used to dread winter time as of course that would be the worst time for me. I was in moisturiser overload and at the height of my OCD with controlling my psoriasis I was steroid ointment crazy. (A “treatment” I have now completely stopped a...