Share my Psecret

I don’t know how many of you feel like me...but I often wonder if what I think about having a skin condition or wonder if what I experience with a skin condition is completely odd and bizarre. I don’t personally know anyone else who has psoriasis; sometimes this makes me feel like no one understands my thoughts or like I can’t express myself and people will understand. It would really help me to know that on a day to day basis that others think the same, feel the same,  experience the same, hear the same, are asked the same or something the same as me.

So....I introduce the new project of mine which is called “Share my Psecret” where I hope people will send me skin condition related comments/experiences and most importantly thoughts. It doesn’t need to be psoriasis related, any skin condition secrets are more than welcome.

It can be completely anonymous or you can share your first name and age. I will create posters of the secrets to share via social media for people to read.

If you want to tell a story along with your experience then please do. It is very comforting to know that you aren’t alone and that there are others out there who understand the day to day life with a skin condition.

If you would like to send a photo with the secret, then that is completely OK.

Please send your psecrets to and I will take it from there. :)

Get sending!!!
Kara xx

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