"Life is a gift"

I received an e-mail from a fellow psoriasis sufferer asking me to post about her own unique journey to battle their psoriasis. So, of course with huge interest I delved into reading their report. It is a wonderful report to read, it is based entirely on their own route to owning their psoriasis and not getting beaten by it.

Bring back natural balance
Firstly, they talk about their trip to Cuba where they noticed the difference in their psoriasis, not unlike the Mexico trip that I had where I noticed a huge difference in my skin. However, this didn’t last long and sure enough psoriasis crept back into their life.

In the beginning report it talks about trying to recreate the climate which improved their psoriasis; the use of tanning beds and having salt baths. But, they quickly realised that these weren’t comfortable or sensible options. They realised that combatting psoriasis is about the way you treat your skin; inside and out. Therefore they devised a plan of action. That plan of action involved 3 areas of focus:
1)      Food
2)      Hydration
3)      Stress

Food glorious food
“You are what you eat” so eating healthier should make you so. This section talks about eating correctly; foods chosen which can help boost the immune system or which are high in vitamin - all the good stuff. Wonderfully they give the food that they used and what ingredients they put into smoothies. I also enjoyed the parts where they explained why they did something and what they used certain foods for – it gives people an understanding of stuff they might not know. Basically, they stayed away from processed food and steered into raw/natural/wholesome food.

Included in the food section was information about juicing and how it can increase the consumption of good food that you intake and quickly. They describe a typical smoothie as including “strawberry, banana, avocado, blueberry, vanilla yogurt, and coconut water or water”, all of which sounds pretty great to me.
Plus eating all this healthy food is going to make you healthier and give you more energy, so I can’t see the downside to taking their advice and giving the processed, calorific, sugary, starchy food a knock on the head for a while.

Hydration and moisturisation
Now, we allllllll know that we are meant to drink a sufficient amount of water a day. I personally try to drink at least 2litres of water, minus the other liquids that I have, a day. I don’t know if this is scientifically correct but it is what I do to feel hydrated all day. Personally, water intake is a huge deal for me believing that my skin is hydrated on the inside as much as it is on the outside.

In this section of the report it states how they kicked coffee, fizzy drinks and alcohol to the curb and indulged in pure water and green tea. Nobody is perfect and everyone “cheats” at a “diet” so proudly they announce that they didn’t go without for the entire time of this – for lack of a better word – experiment.

For the outside hydration aka moisturising, they used three products. These products were used because they worked for that individual person and their individual preferences. So, if you know of or use something that works equally well for you then no need to change but if you are at a loss of what to use then they give you three unique products that you should or could maybe try. They were:
1)      Goats milk soap (something I have not personally tried but would now like to)
2)      Coconut oil
3)      Beeswax (again, not something that I have personally tried)

They use the goats milk soap for bathing, coconut oil for moisturising afterwards or before bed and beeswax for daily upkeep of moisturising and to soften the flaking of the skin. These three are a pretty solid moisturising routine in itself!

Aren’t we all? They say how they tried to enjoy life more, walk more, notice the world more, get off the sofa more, laugh more and any other “more” they may wish to indulge in. Psoriasis is largely linked to stress, even if it is subconscious and you don’t really have the time to notice how stressed are. Your body knows. It knows you better than you think. So maybe it wouldn’t be all too bad to just put the work to one side and enjoy a day by breathing in the fresh air. They certainly did and couldn’t fault enjoying life a little more.

How long
No, it is not a one week fix. Nothing is. Psoriasis is a life condition – I believe so anyway. They proudly say that it took 1.5months to notice the changes and 5months to see the results properly. There is no promise that this is a “cure for psoriasis” or “once you try this, your psoriasis will be gone forever”, it’s nothing to do with that. It is just another psoriasis sufferer taking the initiative to do something about it. More importantly they documented and shared their tack-ticks with the rest of us to give someone who might be a bit lost some hope and ideas.

Get reading
It really is worth a read. It put a smile on my face. You can tell it is written by someone who cares. They’re honest and it has a light-hearted tone to it. Honestly a lovely package of information about a success story. It will take you 15mins to read and you will feel uplifted afterwards. We are all in this together and (to be a bit cliché) sharing is caring!!

The web address with the PDF file J

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